Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mmmmmm Saturday..............

Saturday mornings. Need I say more? Well maybe in my case. I don't sleep in. I don't watch cartoons. I rarely get out of bed to sit down again. So, this Saturday morning wasn't too out of the ordinary. I got up early to pick my husband up at the airport. Upon our return, Damon woke up and demanded to be taken downstairs at once. See, there you have it, I do not get to sit back down. Precious as he is:

He won't change his mind once it's made up. Awwwwh. The joys of having boys. So rather than attempt to relax, I made muffins. Not just bran muffins. Blueberry Banana Bread Muffins with scrumptious crumble topping. Let me show and tell.

First I mix all the ingredients with the help of my Littleman assistant: put it in the muffin tin:

Then we top it with the crumble topping, same as I use for my Apple Crisp.

Bake @ 350 until they are done. mmmm by now the house is filled with delicious smells coming from the kitchen. Remove from oven, cool, and show them off before cutting into them.

Open with a knife and apply butter (if you like). These taste equally good w/out the blueberries, but it is fun to add them once in awhile.

What could be better on a chilly Saturday morning? Ok, well Granny's waffles, but these will do for this saturday. Next Saturday I will attempt to duplicate a waffle breakfast "Granny" style in honor of my Granny.
Enjoy the week, count your blessings, and enjoy the good things.

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