Monday, February 1, 2010

It happened like this....

John and my friend Amy recruited more help by Melanie and together they planned a surprise birthday party for me. I haven't had a birthday party since I was young, and I've NEVER had a surprise one.
ooooh, lucky me. It was so fun.
Rewind a few days...
I had a feeling something was up, but didn't know exactly what or how, or when, or who. All I know is that John was acting weird with his phone, and he made a few comments that were sort of weird.
Then there were the text messages from Amy,
"what is your favorite candy?"
well, ok, what a strange question to ask me since we workout together 6 out of 7 days a week and are both trying hard to reach our own personal goals. Candy doesn't really figure into our daily plan these days.
Then she asks, "do you have visiting teachers? If so, who?" Okaaaaaay..............interesting. But oh well. Maybe she is just trying to know me better. Always a good thing in developing a friendship.
And my husband, he can RARELY hide anything from me. He texts me asking for all kinds of phone numbers.
Well what in the world, can't you just get those when you come home? I'm busy with our son. I don't have time to fetch numbers for ppl all day!
And Candy????????? I better not be getting a basket full of candy for a birthday gift from Amy....I will have to bake her cookies and cakes and pie if she does that!!!
You heard me Amy! An eye for an eye right?
naaaaawwww I'm only kidding! I wouldn't do that. (ok, I don't think I would)
Thank you all for making that night so wonderful, fun, and surprising!
If you want to see a few pictures from my surprise b-day party night anyway, go to Amy's blog at:

1 comment:

  1. You think too much! But I'm glad you didn't suspect when we were doing it! Good thing we decided to do it early. We could have never kept it a surprise!
