Thursday, May 7, 2009


So what does B.L.I.S.S. mean? According to the dictionary it means: Utter Joy and contentment, supreme happiness. And in terms of Motherhood, and parenting, well it also means utter joy and contentment, and supreme happiness.
To me, here, it means this: Because Love, I Said So!!!!!!! That one phrase we most likely heard when we ourselves were growing up and maybe some of you, like me, promised you would never say it to your own children. So, how are you doing with that commitment? I did make that promise to myself, and subsequently broken it many times. The fact is that when many issues are in need of explaining, and some discussion, there are other times that call for a simple "Because love, I said so!" there may be dangerous situations that need immediate and swift reprimands with no time for explanation. There are times when a topic is too delicate for the age or circumstances. Then there are times when, as a mom, one just feels overwhelmed with always having to explain herself that the only thing left to say is, "because love, I said so!" there are even times, (in my life as a mother anyway), that "because love, I said so" is all they are going to get no matter what because I just shouldn't have to explain my every decision to a minor child. No means NO and yes means YES! That's it! No more! Maybe means MAYBE, and we'll see, means exactly that! give me a moment, let me think, I can't decide, I won't decide, I can't think about that now....these are all phrases that I utter to myself while deciding which one I will use on my child. When my daughter was little I rarely had need to say these things, but as she became older and had more questions than answers and felt she was deserving of more answers i found myself wanting to resort to B.L.I.S.S. And now, with my son, I could so see myelf uttering B.L.I.S.S. every single day!!! How dreadful is that? I just WANT BLISS!!!!! Oh and where to find it? At the spa, at the Grand Canyon, in Hawai'i, on vacation, in my sleep at night, in a Great book? All these places/things, but also I do find that sometimes there is Bliss in being a mom, in watching your child take their first breath, step, utter their first word, ask their first question. The times when I feel so proud of what I am doing is when my son tells me, "you can do it mom!" when I am doubtful of accomplishing a feat he wants me to try. It is then I hear my own voice/words coming right back at me. What a powerful message that is. Continue on with powerful messages even if sometimes that message is simply, "Because Love, I Said So!"

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