Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Did I see that coming?

Did I see it coming????
I have to say, I probably knew it was coming, but didn't necessarily see it coming when it actually did. Life prepares us for many things, school, work, service, earning money, attending college, birth, and even in some cases, death. But I wonder, does life really prepare us for motherhood? Does life prepare mothers for the challenges we will face while raising our most precious possessions? Can it really prepare a mother for the things she will no doubt have to endure on a daily basis, the things she will hear from her children's own mouthes? Can we ever really be prepared to face our children--as many of us will always think of as our babies-- as adults and come to terms with their adult choices? I believe parts of my own life may have prepared me somewhat for all these things, but in no way prepared me for all aspects.
I didn't see it coming...or maybe I did and just didn't want to admit it...when my daughter reminded me of all the years I used her "dividend" for family (meaning me and her/can you say SANTA?) rather than put it in the bank for her. I didn't see it coming...again, maybe I did...when after having my daughter I was three pants sizes bigger than I had been before having her. I didn't see it know...when I was blessed with another child, this time a son...and he is so "boy" that I find myself exhausted at the end of EVERY day. I didn't see it coming..........................there is so much to do every day, every night, every week I feel like I am drowning sometimes. But somehow I manage to get by, make it to tomorrow, next week, next month. And my house isn't falling apart, though some days it feels like it might...or I feel like letting it!!! I didn't see it coming...........ok, so I did see it coming....when I look in the mirror and what I see reminds me that I have a 19 yr old, and chase after a 3 yr old every day. And then there are the days when I realize I did see it coming.....the wonderful woman my daughter is becoming (gradually), and the polite manners my son uses daily (sometimes with reminding, sometime without). I did see those things coming! I had to, because I did teach those things to my kids. I taught them to use their manners, be compassionate, empathetic, caring, loving, willing to share, and above all else, have fun.


  1. I'm glad you found it. Now I have to try harder to keep up with it. lol
